List of chat (server) commands

About 4 min

Built-in commands

Whether you have mods or games installed, builtin commands are always available.


A short document showing the list of chat commands or privileges; it will also appear in the chat history, if the help document is too long and cannot be displayed in the chat history, you can press the F10 key to open the terminal to view.


You can display historical commands through the up and down arrows

  • /help: display a list of available commands according to the permissions on the server
  • /help <command>: Display a short description about the given command. View help for a command even if you don't have permission to execute it
  • /help all: list the commands available on the server according to your permissions, with a short description and syntax reference for each command
  • /help privs: List all privileges that may be granted to the player on the server, and display a short description about each

grant/revoke permission command

All of these commands require you to have "privs" (manipulate all privileges) or "basic_privs" (manipulate "interact" and "shout" privileges) privileges.

  • /grant <player> <privilege> - grant <privilege> to <player>
  • /grant <player> all — grant all available privileges to <player>
  • /grantme <privilege> - Grant yourself <privilege>
  • /grantme all — Grant all privileges to yourself
  • /revoke <player> <privilege> — remove from
  • /revoke <player> all - remove all permissions from <player>
  • /revokeme <privilege> - remove own <privilege> permission
  • /revokeme all - remove all permissions from self

/privs View player permissions command

  • /privs [<player>]: Display a list of privileges for a player (<player>), or your own if no player is specified

/haspriv list online players with specified permissions

  • /haspriv <privilege>: List all online players with the specified privilege (<privilege>)

/last-login Date and time of last login to this server


These commands require the "shout" privilege to work.

/msg private chat command

  • /msg <player> <message>: Send a direct message <message> to the specified player <player>; other players cannot see it.


The message sent by /msg isn't really a secret. Anyone intercepting network traffic, server operators can in principle still read


  • /me <action> - Make text in the format "* <your name> <action>" to appear in the chat log. For example, "/me eats pizza." will become "* Alfred eats pizza." (if your player name is "Alfred"), and this conversion is done for you.


/give/giveme give item command

  • /give <player> <itemstring> [<count> [<wear>]]: Give the player <player> the specified number of <count> (default is 1) items <itemstring>( Refer to ItemStrings). The <wear> parameter is the damage degree of the specified tool (0-65535, the larger the value, the greater the damage, the default value is 0), if it is other items, this value is useless , requires the "give" privilege.
  • /giveme <itemstring> [<count> [<wear>]]: Give me something. <count> and <wear> have the same meaning as /give. The "give" privilege is required.


Executing this command requires the "give" privilege


  • /giveme default:torch: give you a torch
  • /give Peter default:cobble 50: Give player: Peter 50 cobblestones
  • /giveme default:pick_steel 1 16383: Gives you an iron pickaxe with about 25% wear


Negative numbers for <count> and <wear> will count down from 65536, so you can use -1 as a shorthand for 65535 (the maximum possible value).

/pulverize destroy items

  • /pulverize: Destroy the held item. Can be used by any player

/clearinv Destroy all items in inventory

  • /clearinv [<name>]: Destroys all items in inventory (no arguments supplied) or in someone else's inventory (name supplied). To clear someone else's inventory, you need "Server" permission

Teleport command

Teleportation is the immediate movement of any player to a given location. All of the following commands require the "teleport" privilege

  • /teleport <x>,<y>,<z>: Teleport yourself to the given coordinates
  • /teleport <target_player>: Teleport yourself to the player named <target_player>
  • /teleport <player> <x>,<y>,<z>: Teleport <player> to the given coordinates. Also requires the "bring" privilege
  • /teleport <player1> <player2>: Teleport player <player1> to <player2>. Also requires the "bring" privilege

/kill kill player or self

  • /kill [<name>] : kill player or self. Requires "server" privilege


These commands allow setting and resetting any player's password and require the "password" privilege to use

  • /setpassword <player> <password>: set the password of the player <player> to <password>
  • /clearpassword <player>: set the password of the player <player> to empty

Banned or kicked player from server

These commands allow the user to kick, ban and unban players. Kicking a player means removing a connected player from the server. This requires the "kick" privilege. Banning a player prevents him/her from connecting to the server again. Players do not need to connect at this time. Unban means to unban a player, allowing him/her to connect to the server again. The ban and unban commands require the "ban" privilege.

  • /kick <player name> [<reason>]: kick player <player name>. The reason <reason> can optionally be provided in text form, this text will also be displayed to the kicked player.
  • /ban: show list of banned players
  • /ban <player name>: Ban bans the IP of the player <player name>
  • /unban <player name>: unban player
  • /unban <IP address>: Unban the player IP

Server information

Request some information from the server; the response information from the server will also be written to the chat history.

  • /admin: View the player name of the admin/server operator of the server you are connected to.
  • /status: View the server's Minetest version, how long in seconds the server has been running (called "uptime"), the list of connected players and [messages] for [day] (if exist).
  • /mods: View the list of mods installed on the server.
  • /days: View the current game date (counting from 0)
  • /time: View the current game time (24-hour format)

World operation

  • /time <hours>:<minutes>: Set the "time" of the "day" in the game in 24-hour format (0:00-23:59). Requires "settime" privilege
  • /time <time_of_day>: Set the time of day to a number between 0 and 24000. Requires "settime" privilege
  • /set -n time_speed <speed>: Set the speed at which the game world time runs [day/night cycle], where <speed> is the speed of time ("<speed> time is faster than in real life quick"). The default value is 72, which means that by default, the day and night cycle lasts 20 minutes. Requires "server" privilege
  • /spawnentity <entity> [<X>,<Y>,<Z>]: Spawn the name of an entity <entity> (see list of entity namesopen in new window) near the location or in X, Y, Z coordinates, if specified. Requires "give" and "interact" privilege.

/killme suicide

  • /killme suicide

Settings/Return home (spawn point)

  • /sethome — Set current location as home location ("spawn"). Requires "home" privilege
  • /home - Teleport yourself to the "home" location. If the home point has not been set, this command will not work, please execute /sethome to set the birth point first. Requires "sethome" privilege.
Last update: 6/29/2023, 10:40:54 PM
Contributors: Riceball LEE