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Fun eLearning Free Resources

Khan Academyopen in new window

Khan Academy is a well-known institution (non-profit organization) with many years of experience in online education. Its educational content and course design have been professionally researched and reviewed. Committed to providing free, first-class education to everyone in the world.

khanAcademyopen in new window

Khan Academy's mission is to provide high-quality, free, personalized online educational resources to help everyone improve their knowledge and skills. Khan Academy's goal is to make education more accessible and equitable by using technology to break down barriers in education. The platform uses adaptive learning technology to provide users with a personalized learning experience based on their learning progress and abilities. Plus, Khan Academy's video lessons and practice questions are free, and everyone can access them anytime, anywhere.

  • Adaptive Learning: Khan Academy uses adaptive learning technology to provide users with a personalized learning experience based on their learning progress and abilities. This allows students to learn at their own pace and adapt it to their needs and abilities.
  • Rich curriculum resources: Khan Academy covers a wide range of subjects, including math, science, computer science, history, art, and more. The platform's video lessons and practice questions are free, and everyone can access them anytime, anywhere. In addition, Khan Academy provides some other educational resources such as tools and guides.
  • Community support: Khan Academy has a large community that can help students with the problems they encounter. Users of the platform can interact with other students and volunteer tutors to share learning experiences and resources. In addition, Khan Academy also offers several educational programs such as salons and student challenges to encourage students to actively participate in learning.

PhET Interactive simulations for science and mathopen in new window

PhET (Physics Education Technology) is an educational technology project created by teachers and researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder to provide students with free, interactive, and visualized lessons in physics, chemistry, mathematics, earth science, and biology, etc. Various subject simulators.

PhET's simulators are based on scientific research and incorporate feedback and suggestions from teachers and students, and are highly interactive, visualized and personalized.

Students can learn concepts in various disciplines through experimentation and exploration, and can adjust the parameters and difficulty level of the simulator according to their needs and abilities. The PhET simulator can be obtained for free on the website phet.colorado.eduopen in new window, and supports multiple languages. The goal of PhET is to provide education with better tools to help students better understand and grasp concepts from different disciplines.

phETopen in new window

GeoGebra - mathematics teachingopen in new window

Free classroom activity digital tool for drawing calculations, geometric construction, whiteboard collaboration and more

geogebraopen in new window

THE EVOLUTION OF TRUSTopen in new window

An interactive instruction manual for Cooperative game theoryopen in new window in the form of a game, with a total of 10 levels.

trustopen in new window

The Scale of the Universe 2open in new window

From the Planck length and quantum foam to the entire universe, almost infinitesimal to infinity are clearly and intuitively displayed in front of the audience. The producer uses scientific and artistic methods to let us better grasp the concept of scale.

scale_of_the_universeopen in new window

Scratch visual programmingopen in new window

It is a graphical children's programming tool designed and developed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT. Through graphic controls, children can realize many program functions without writing any code. Judging from the initial experience, children over the age of five or six can get started.

scratchopen in new window

CodeCombatopen in new window

CodeCombatopen in new window

is an educational video game for learning programming concepts and programming languages. Students learn to type coding languages like JavaScript, Python, HTML, and CoffeeScript, and learn the fundamentals of computer science. CodeCombat has been open sourced so users can create their own game content

  • Note: You can only try the first 5 levels online. To play all the content for free, you need to build your own server
  • Note: The latest version of the CodeCombat server is no longer open source

Snap! visual programmingopen in new window

It is an open source multi-paradigm visual computer programming language developed by JS and running in the browser. Derived from the Scratch language, it includes and extends the functionality of Scratch. Primarily intended for users over the age of 12.

NASA’s Eyesopen in new window

NASA Open Source Mars Roveropen in new window

jpl-roveropen in new window

  • NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory [JPL] is an open source DIY Mars rover project. You can make your own Mars rover according to the tutorials provided by this project.

Children's Programming Introduction - Blockly Gamesopen in new window

  • A collection of learning programming games for kids with no computer programming experience

Otto Open Source Interactive Robot DIYopen in new window that anyone can do

  • Otto
  • Otto uses open source hardware; this means the hardware is easily available so others can make it, is Arduino compatible, and the enclosure can be customized with 3D printing
  • Otto is not just a robot toy; you can program it which creates an emotional connection between you and him
  • Otto is truly open source and hardware where anyone can create and share their inventions. Hundreds of people use home 3D printers to build Otto every day!
  • otto_invs

Open Source Offline Education Platform and Resources - Kolibriopen in new window

is an open source educational software designed to provide learners around the world with high-quality educational resources and a personalized learning experience. It has functions such as offline learning, personalized learning and open educational resources, which can help students learn without an Internet connection, and provide learning resources and learning paths that suit individual needs, while also allowing teachers and students to freely Create, share and access educational resources.

  • kolibri-channels
  • Addresses the problem of hard-to-find, useful and affordable teaching and learning materials, providing a vast library of open educational resources that can be accessed offline and personalized to individual learning needs.
  • Supports educators in achieving student-centered learning by providing a platform to create and share interactive learning content and assessments, as well as tools to track student progress and identify areas for improvement.
  • Addresses the challenges of large class teaching and the needs of diverse learners by providing adaptive learning paths and personalized feedback that can be tailored to individual student needs and learning styles.
  • Challenge persistent oppressive structures in education by promoting open and inclusive learning environments that prioritize the needs and voices of marginalized communities to promote fair and equitable learning environments.
  • Promotes community ownership of the design and integration of educational technology into learning spaces by providing tools for collaboration and co-creation of learning resources.
  • Addresses the cost of technical infrastructure and reliable internet access by allowing learners to access educational resources offline and providing content creation and sharing tools with minimal technical requirements. So far, there are 135 teaching resource channels available for download, including the aforementioned Khan Academyopen in new window, [Blockly Games for Children's Programming Introduction](https:/ /blockly.games/),phET Interactive Simulation of Science and Math (English)open in new window.

Concord Consortiumopen in new window

Concord Consortium is a non-profit educational research and development organization that creates innovative technology-based educational resources for teachers and students. Their mission is to help educators integrate technology into their teaching, and to help students learn more effectively through interactive and engaging activities.

Concord Consortium's educational resources cover a wide range of subjects, including science, math, engineering, and technology. Some of their notable projects include Molecular Workbenchopen in new window, a simulation software for chemistry and physics education, and Common Online Data Analysis Platform (CODAP), a data analysis tool for students and teachers.

Concord Consortium also conducts research and evaluation studies to measure the effectiveness of their educational resources and to inform the development of new tools and approaches.

free STEM learning resourcesopen in new window


Last update: 7/8/2023, 6:57:16 AM
Contributors: Riceball LEE