
About 10 min

This file contains the version history of Minetest: Education.

Public release version



  • 🪲 [Quiz_ui]: quizzes cannot be deleted and wrongly edited in the search list.
  • 🆕️️ [Quiz]: Read the configuration file in the mod_data directory, first try config.yml, then try quiz_config.yml
  • 🆕️️ [Quiz]: When writing configuration, first try to write to the configuration file in the mod_data directory, and then try to write to the world directory: quiz_config.yml
  • 🆕️️ [Yaml]: pcall error messages should be shown as warnings
  • 🪲 [Quiz_ui]: mod_data directory cannot be written, reports no permission
  • 🪲 [Security]: Unable to correctly get the mod where the caller is located

v5.7.0-b674de4d6 (2023-06-28)

  • ️️🆕️️ Synchronized update to Minetest v5.7.0 game engine
    • 🆕️️ New post-processing pipelines: Bloom and Dynamic Exposure
      • The post-processing pipeline refers to the process of performing some special effects on the entire picture after rendering the scene. These special effects can be to enhance the brightness, contrast, saturation, etc. of the picture, or to add some visual effects, such as floodlight, depth of field and more.
      • Dynamic Exposure (Dynamic Exposure) can simulate the adaptive adjustment of the eyes when entering the cave from a bright area, so as to achieve a high dynamic range (HDR) effect.
      • A screenshot of the Backrooms game with bloom shaders, taken by Extex (CC BY 4.0)
    • Enhanced dynamic shadows
    • 🆕️️ Optimized (improved) field of view for modern GPUs
      • Currently, users with modern GPUs need to set "Client Mesh Chunksize" (client_mesh_chunk) to 4 or 8 to enable this optimization
      • In the future, this optimization will likely be automatically enabled when Minetest detects hardware support
    • 🆕️️Support rotation entity selection/hitbox
      • Rotating selection boxes
    • 🆕️️ Allows Android to display a fixed crosshair, which needs to be turned on in the configuration, search for "crosshair" in the configuration
  • 🆕️️ Added new mods:
    • 🎁 item_drop mod: Provides a pick/drop item mechanism similar to minecraft
    • 🎁 x_bows: Bows and arrows 🏹
      • x_bows
    • 🎁 x_bows_extras: more bows 🏹
      • x_bows_extras
    • 🎁 player_monoids: is a library for managing global player state.
    • 🎁 bedrock2 mod: replaces old bedrock mod
    • 🎁 i3 advanced inventory module (in the external expansion pack): Note that it conflicts with the unified_inventory advanced inventory module, only one can be selected at a time
      • i3
  • 🆕️️ Although the creative mode is already defaulted, the "Enable Creative Mode" checkbox in the "Start Game" interface is not checked!
  • 🆕️️ Add the homepage of "Minetest Education Edition" in the About menu: https://edu.ihom.app
  • 🆕️️ Add nickname settings, nicknames allow Chinese
    • Added nickname input box directly on the student interface. (Hint: need to enable the nickname module in the game)
    • The Refresh button behind the Nickname input box: It is used to load the nickname of the name after changing the name.
  • 🆕️️ [nickname module] Added support for conf configuration format
  • 🪲 [nickname mod] By default, ordinary players are allowed to modify nicknames in the game
  • ⚡ Note [Android]: Doesn't work after upgrading from previous version. Must reinstall or clear all data in app details.
  • 🪲 Fix [Android]: Quiz report cannot be stored, no write permission. It is found that the security component cannot correctly obtain the module name under Android
  • 🪲 Fix [Security]: src=(load) causes the game to crash


  • temporarily disable update_information_url
  • 🆕️️ Added nickname (nickname) module, nickname can be in Chinese.
  • 🪲 Fix: Nametags are reset when calling set_nametag_attributes, even if text param is not touched.
  • 🪲 FIXED: Chat should also use nickname nametag.
    • core. format_chat_message(name, message)
  • 🆕️️ Add mod_data directory (minetest.get_mod_data_path) to save mod configuration data
    • It's useful for storing custom data independently of worlds.
  • 🪲 FIXED: The trusted mod can not use mkdir etc functions.
  • 🪲 FIXED: Mod directory cannot write files
    • The directory where your mod is located should allow file writing.
    • Background: Currently minetest only allows writing in the current world (course) directory, but I need to record students' learning in the same place, instead of dispersing the records in each world (course).
    • [Security] The trusted mods are prohibited from using io functions. (branch: fix/trusted_mod_io)
      • ScriptApiSecurity::checkPath can correctly get caller's mod name now.
        • Allow writing to the directory where the mod is located,
      • ScriptApiSecurity::checkWhitelisted can correctly get caller's mod name now.
      • ScriptApiSecurity::isSecure uses checkWhitelisted now.
        • The trusted mods can use the io functions directly.
      • Add the static method l_get_current_modname and get_current_modname to ScriptApiSecurity class.
      • ModApiClient::get_current_modname and ModApiServer::get_current_modname can correctly get caller's mod name.
      • Can analyze whether the call is injected or not.
      • Fixed: #12857, #12948
  • 🪲 Fix: The Chinese characters displayed in the prompt line of the chat window are squeezed together.
  • Modify the initial default configuration world to creative mode (does not affect the existing default configuration).
  • A little optimization of IME support under Linux and Windows systems
  • Updated rendering engine: IrrlichtMt v1.9.0mt9


  • ⛔️ Fix (Win32): enable basic IME support, able to input Chinese
  • ⛔️ classroom mod doesn't work on unified_inventory inventory mod
    • Preliminary Sinicization completed
  • 🆕️️ Added petz pet mod (built-in some creatures, not enabled by default)
  • Update the built-in mod version
  • In prebuilt default worlds, all preinstalled mods are no longer enabled
    • Enabled mods
      • quiz
        • quiz_ui
      • 3d_armor
      • basic_materials
      • basic_signs
      • bedrock
      • flow
      • formspec_ast
      • formspecs
      • fslib
      • handholds_redo
      • moblib
      • modlib
      • mesecons
      • signs_lib
      • skinsdb
      • visible_wielditem
      • wielded_light
      • worldedit
    • List of disabled mods (requires manual activation)
      • accountmgr
      • awards
      • biofuel
      • bonemeal
      • ccompass
      • classroom
      • codeblock
      • computertest
      • digilines
      • digistuff
      • elevator
      • go Go module
      • led_marquee
      • lwcolorable
      • lwcomponents
      • lwcomponents_spawners
      • lwcomputers
      • lwroad_tracks
      • lwscratch
      • lwwires
      • mathplot
      • mesecons_x automatic wiring module
      • missions
      • moreblocks
      • more_chests
      • moremesecons mesecons extension tool module
      • moreores
      • numeracy
      • 🆕️️ petz add animal mod
      • pipeworks
      • pride_flags
        • country_flags
      • scriptblocks2
      • street_signs
      • technic
      • tt
      • tubelib2
      • unifieddyes
      • unified_inventory advanced inventory is no longer enabled by default
        • unified_inventory_plus
        • unified_inventory_themes
      • vbots
      • vector3
      • xp_redo


  • Upgrade to [email protected]
  • Upgrade Installed Mods
  • 🆕️️ Education Mods Added:
    • 🆕️️ classroom
    • 🆕️️ accountmgr
    • 🆕️️ mathplot
    • 🆕️️ vbots
    • 🆕️️ scriptblocks2
    • 🆕️️ computertest
    • 🆕️️ country flags


  • First public release
  • Upgrade to [email protected]
  • Many improvements and bugfixes
  • Major improvements to the Quiz Player Challenge mod:

Internal alpha version

d104feadc Version(2021-09-06)

  • ⛔️ Fix: After changing (switching) the username, the password cannot be changed.
  • ⛔️ Fix falling mesh nodes being half size
  • 🆕️️ Standalone games also require username and password
    • Consistent with the use of online games: let players who play stand-alone games on public computers have their own storage.
    • Only when using singleplayer username (public username), no password required.
  • 🆕️️ Enable new ZSTD real-time compression algorithm
  • 🆕️️ Joystick sensitivity for player movement
  • Update unified_inventory mod
  • Adjust user (student) interface

74e57952f Version(2021-08-27)

  • ⛔️ Fix: enable_damage and creative_mode in the game world are invalid in headless server
    • Found that the code uses g_settings settings. It works in the client because it is saved to the configuration (menu_worldmt_legacy) every time you click the enable_damage setting.
    • This is a dilemma. If you sometimes want to enable enable_damage and creative_mode, then the global will be invalid, and you can only rely on the world configuration.
    • If there is a global configuration, follow the global configuration, otherwise see the world configuration
    • The current idea (not yet implemented) is that if there are mandatory settings in the game configuration, then the settings in the game configuration shall prevail, followed by the mandatory settings in the game world, and finally the mandatory settings in the global configuration
    • In principle, it is just a warning: if you enable mandatory settings upstream, problems may occur because the underlying game level does not support it, so it is best for ordinary users not to enable mandatory settings.
    • The priority is system default configuration < game configuration < game world configuration < global configuration (the same is true for the priority of mandatory settings)
      • Normal setting < Mandatory setting
  • 🆕️️ When creating a new game world in the minetest-game game, the default function mod is automatically enabled.
  • Enhanced quiz function module:
    • ⛔️ Fix settings: all configurations of bool type cannot be set
    • ⛔️ Fix settings: Chat command /answer doesn't work
    • 🆕️️ Added forceAdminQuiz setting: Whether to force the administrator to answer the challenge, the default is true.
    • 🆕️️ Added immediateQuiz setting: Whether to ask to answer the challenge immediately after entering the game. Defaults to true.
  • ⛔️ Fix (Android): "Allow remote game", "Allow local game", teacher password, student password and other settings cannot be saved
  • 🆕️️ The game world can have its own static spawn-point.
    • Need to load world.mt somewhere and then merge into g_settings, that is to say, the configuration priority is world.mt > minetest.conf

8c8b82ec2 Version(2021-08-20)

  • ⛔️ Fix: Forgot to save configuration
  • ⛔️ Fix (Critical): When the last game world item is not selected, the program crashes and cannot be run.
  • ⛔️ Fix (Critical): Does not work on old Android 5.1.1.
  • 🆕️️ Added (settings): readBinaryFile/updateBinaryFile can use compressed format
  • 🆕️️ New function module (minetest_game) unified inventory: unified_inventory
    • unified_inventory
    • If you enable minetest_game, the original inventory will be replaced with the unified inventory (by default it will be enabled in the default world, and it must be manually enabled for the created default world)
  • 🆕️️ New function mod (minetest_game) player skin: skinsdb
    • skinsdb
  • 🆕️️ Added new function module (minetest_game) player clothing and armor: 3d_armor
    • 3D_ARMOR
  • 🆕️️ Added feature mod (minetest_game) "basic" materials and items: basic_materials
    • This mod provides a small set of "basic" materials and items that other mods should use where possible: such as steel bars and chains, wires, plastic strips and sheets, etc. The idea is to remove duplication from mod to mod and reduce recipe conflicts.
    • basic_materials
  • 🆕️️ New function module (minetest_game) more ores: moreores
    • Added tin, silver and mithril oresmore ores
  • 🆕️️ New function module compass: ccompass Each compass can point to a specific coordinate. Such as home coordinates. ccompass
  • 🆕️️ Add interface background music and mute control (student interface)

570d8a40d Version(2021-08-14)

  • By default, local games are still enabled, which is easier for ordinary users. Consider remote play for teachers and those wanting parent-child activities.
  • ⛔️️ Fix: should start sprite animation at the beginning #11510
  • ⛔️️ Fix: Can't start local game if no game world selected
  • 🆕️️Enhancement mods that are enabled by default can be turned off in the world configuration
    • If you have already installed the old version, you may need to manually enable the default functional modules in the world configuration after installing the new version.
    • If you don't want to enable it manually, you can delete the existing default world, and then restart the software (it will automatically rebuild the default world).
  • The current default function modules are as follows:
    • quiz: player challenge mod
      • Required for yaml player challenge mods
      • formspecs player challenge mod required
    • wielded_light: dynamic light source function module, fix the problem that the torch cannot be illuminated when held in the hand.
    • handsholds_redo: Freehand rock climbing function module
    • 🆕️️ fireworkz: 🎆️ Fireworks function module
  • 🆕️️ Add mod 🎆️ Fireworks (fireworkz), baby's birthday is approaching, add this firework function module to enliven the atmosphere
  • 🆕️️ Add game tutorial world: tutorial

b42a46cde Version(2021-08-11)

  • Fixed (Critical bug): Unable to enter remote game (report encoding error)
  • Fixed (Critical bug): Unable to change student and teacher password errors (reports could not be written)

94abd6a1c Version(2021-08-06)

  • Fixed: should hide game bar when running game and switch back to student mode.
  • Fixed: Unable to change teacher password
  • 🆕️️ Add cereal serialization library for serialization and deserialization.

89f5dbc73 Version(2021-07-31)

  • 🆕️️ UI rework
    • 🆕️️ Student UI and Teacher UI
    • Simplify the main interface, the default is the student interface, when you click the teacher mode, enter the teacher password to restore the minetest interface.

62686d9cc Version(2021-07-24)

  • Player challenge function module:
    • Fixed not being able to use the /answer command to manually call the answer dialog
    • 🆕️️ Support a small number of MineClone2 items (no need to set mods to use these items)
      • coal block coalblock
      • wood wood
      • stone stone
      • torch
      • Iron Ingot steel_ingot
  • Use scoped app storage on Androidopen in new window
    • Starting November 2021, the Play Store will no longer accept app updates that use the deprecated getExternalStorageDirectory() API.
    • Therefore, this commit replaces the deprecated APIs with new scoped APIs (getExternalFilesDir() and getExternalCacheDir()). It also provides temporary migration, moving user data from a shared external directory to new storage.
  • Add new physics reloadopen in new window
    • This PR adds the following new fields to set_physics_override:
    • speed_climb: Climbing speed multiplier (based on movement_speed_climb setting)
    • Liquid_fluidity: Liquid fluidity multiplier (based on movement_liquid_fluidity setting)
    • Liquid_fluidity_smooth: multiplier for liquid flow smoothing parameter settings
    • Liquid_sink: Liquid sink speed multiplier (based on motion_liquid_sink)
    • acceleration_default: the multiple of the default value of motion acceleration
    • acceleration_air: the multiplier of the motion acceleration in air

6c83884b2 Version(2021-07-18)

  • 🆕️️ The player challenge function mod adds settings:
    • totalPlayTime [<minutes>]: display or modify the maximum game time
    • restTime [<min>]: display or modify the minimum rest time
    • skipAnswered [true|false]: Display or modify whether to skip answered questions
    • idleInterval [<minutes>]: Display or modify the interval between answering questions
    • forceAdminRest [true|false]: Display or modify whether to force the administrator to rest
    • kickDelay [<seconds>]: Display or modify the delay of kicking the game
    • checkInterval [<seconds>]: Display or modify the interval time for checking problems, generally do not need to modify

c583ca122 Version(2021-07-17)

  • 🆕️️ Add Chinese for Android version
  • 🆕️️ Increase light and shadow effect
  • 🆕️️ Games MineClone2 and minetest_game freehand rock climbing function: Use the ⛏️ pickaxe (right button) to drill holes in the rock (note that holes cannot be drilled on soil or sand), and then you can climb: up and down keys.
  • 🆕️️ Added game time limit and player challenge to games MineClone2 and minetest_game:
    • The player challenge is to conduct a quiz in the game: a question will be asked every 5 minutes, and the correct answer can continue to play and get a prize. The quiz questions are to be added by yourself.
    • Type /quiz list in the chat window to view the current list of quiz questions
    • Type /quiz del <index|id> in the chat window to delete the specified question
    • /quiz set <Index|Id> title="question" answer="answer" [desc="tip"] Add or modify the specified question
    • /quiz reset [<playerName>] reset player's game time
    • /quizAward <list> list all prizes
    • /quizAward del <index|id> delete the specified prize
    • /quizAward set <Id> title="Title" [mod="default"] [count=<Number>] Add or modify the specified prize
      • ​Note: MineClone2 should use mod="mcl_core" etc. (depending on the specific item, default is minetest_game item)
    • /saveQuiz save player challenge config
  • Three games are packaged: (There may be adjustments in the future)
    • 🆕️️tutorial is a game tutorial, teaching how to play
    • 🆕️️MineClone2 is a replica of Minecraft, the gameplay is basically the same as Minecraft (with game time limit and challenges)
    • minetest_game is the base game (with game time limits and challenges)
Last update: 7/6/2023, 3:44:12 PM
Contributors: Riceball LEE